Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Two right hands

This is my new painting. It is called "Two right hands".
I love to just do nothing, it so healthy!... watch the leaves of the trees dancing with the wind, follow the clouds as they pass by... not thinking. But I don't rest enough, and of course, just to stop and rest a bit is a challenge for me.
I try hard to do nothing... but suddenly I see something or think on something and start doing something
So this painting represents the need to stop... but as you can see the other right hand doesn't want to stop. And is always trying to interfere in the need to stop.
For me this painting will be a reminder.
It is a small painting... but the act of painting it will make my life much more pleasant if I just watch it!

"I'm a little cork that has fallen into water and is washed away. I surrender to the paint as it comes. "
Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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