Sunday, 29 January 2012

The chair of the studio is finished!

"The home should be the treasure chest of living" Le Corbusier (a french architect that wanted to destroy Paris, but the quote is really good)... and now, what should an art studio be?... pretty much the same.

I decorated the chair according to my taste... it is only for me -not for family use-, so I didn't need to coordinate with the rest of the family.  Completely free, I used everything I wanted!. It is full of colors, a patina in the orange area and few little things I made and hanged (with the help a piece of chain from an old necklace).
As I told you before, it is called "dejarse habitar", something like "let live in you".

Some time ago, I was having a chat with someone that commented how important is to let others be part of us. Listen what the other person has to say and keep part of the message he/she is trying to transmit... I kept thinking of this. And also on how important is letting yourself love and be love (dejarse amar), create (dejarse crear) and why not, letting go (dejarse llevar).

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Two in one

Lovely readers for countries as far from Argentina as Russia, Germany, Croatia, US, Canada, Thailand, and many other places... thinking on you... today I launched:
I´ll do my best to be able to translate everything as good as possible! 
You are welcome in both blogs! I'll be publishing all the old entries in this blog (just give me some time to translate them) and from now on, the entries will be published in both blogs. 

Tengo que agradecer a muchos lectores de Rusia, Alemania, Croacia, Estados Unidos, Canada, Thailandia por pasar seguido por el blog. Siempre pienso... entenderán?
Pensando en ellos, ahora este humilde blog cruza las fronteras idiomáticas... se larga hoy:!!!!!!!!!!
Al principio voy a ir publicando de a poco las entradas de este blog y luego irán saliendo en simultáneo. 
En castellano:

I´m now in the middle of a project. I bought the chair I use in my art studio, some time ago. Very cheap, must say.  And now, the time of its transformation has arrived... this is the process.
Además les cuento que estoy pintando mi silla del taller. La compré muy barata en pino y le llegó la transformación!

This is me painting the chair.  I´m really thankful the photo is not so good, because I was in the swimming pool half and hour before the photo was taken... 
Esta soy yo pintando la silla... fuera de foco, debo agradecer. Porque estaba recién salida de la pileta.

It already has a name is called: "dejarse habitar", in english something like "let live on yourself". I´ll tell you why, when I show you the finished chair.
Tiene nombre y todo. Se llama "dejarse habitar". Cuando la tenga terminada les cuento porqué.

Thank you for sharing this art passion with me.
Gracias por compartir esta pasión conmigo.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Wood on the outside

I was consulted with (I fulfill the promises, here are the photos!) which paint can be used to paint a wooden cabinet to put on the outside.

I find it very good 
Synthetic enamel paint. We had remained a bit of a fence that we painted and was the perfect solution for the shelves and a table where I put my beloved cactus.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Improvised flowerpots

Today I improvised two little flowerpots. I just got two beautiful flowers from my rose.
I made this pots with two glasses of yogurt, chains from old necklaces and some other staff I always have.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Doble post: More presents and 2012 diary

I made a lot of presents and among them these watercolors...They are not easy to photograph... these are my best shots

I have my 2012 diary. I'm a paper diary kind of woman, don't know why but all the technology has to offer is still not the same for me.

Of course, I had intervened it with some of my stamps!