Tuesday 18 October 2011


Some artists touch me more than others.
Already told you about how much I love Mucha .
Today I want to share with you my love for Frida Kahlo.
When I went to Mexico, I spent a day visiting her blue house and her studio.
Being able to see her art, her staff... influenced me, a lot. She was an intense woman, in a way not so easy to understand... this intensity was present on her art, the way she loved, her commitment to a politic movement she believed in, in the way she sort all her troubles and also in the way she suffer for love.
She was a woman who lived through her art, present even in the way she dressed.
You should also know Diego Rivera, her husband and a fantastic Mexican muralist.

Let's meet Frida today, through some of the pictures of my trip and some links for you to explore.

Diego's studio, San Angel, Mexico DF.

Her love for Diego

Her blue house

Her studio in San Angel. Her studio and Diego's were built as separate buildings, joint through stairs.

There is also a great movie, where Salma Hayek plays Frida, and illustrates very well her art, life, passion and also her sadness.



  1. Flaca!Me fascina tu blog y tu ondalas cosas que haces y como viven y reviven en tus manos,es genial!es una de las maravillas de poder trabajar con las manos y de hacer algo maravilloso con un trocito de casi nada.Sos una gran Artista.Me fascina Frida,su historia,su obra.Hay mucha gente que no la conoce y por eso tal vez no aprecia sus pinturas y las considera "feas".Gracias por compartirla!!!.Eli de mar del Plata.
